Bees To Keep Watch From Alto Rooftop
Alto Hotel joins the frontline in the war against pests threatening Australia’s honey industry. Under a two-year $260,000 federal government-funded project the “Bee Force” will be on the lookout to spot signs of trouble, such as the invasion of the varroa mite. Already in Papua New Guinea and New Zealand, officials say it could only be a matter of time before the mite, which feeds off European honeybees, lands in Australia. Alto Hotel in conjunction with Melbourne Rooftop Honey and 9 other inner city beekeepers will take part in the pilot project to ensure that the authorities are on the ball as soon as that happens. The sites were chosen for their location close to Melbourne’s port a likley entry point for threats to the honey bee population. Approximatley 65 per cent of agricultural production in Australia relies on the pollination efforts of wild bees and managed hives. Hence the importance for early detection. For more details refer to the article published in The Age 12 April 2011 by clicking this link.